Tuesday 14 January 2014

Clearing elements from a CCBI file from CCTextureCache and CCSpriteFrameCache

Clearing elements from a CCBI file from CCTextureCache and CCSpriteFrameCache

1.ios - Cocos2d 2.0 and CCSpriteBatchNode: CCAnimation crashes ...

Description:EDIT 4: I added a breakpoint to CCSpriteFrameCache
spriteFrameByName method and cannot step over the following step (its
clear to me that somehow the spriteFrames ...

2.sprites - Tags - Resources - GameDev.net

Description:Elements are rendered from the ... spritesheets,
CCSpriteFrameCache, ... We can but textures placed in the D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
pool cannot be locked for clearing ...

3.Activity | | Cocos2d-x

Description:Same CCBI file should work fine for ... You can try changing
#define CC_FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL 0 to #define CC ... but place
your ui elements based ...

4.How to optimize memory usage and bundle size of a Cocos2D app ...

Description:The image file is what space your camping ... •
CCSpriteFrameCache • CCTextureCache • cocos2d • cocos2d-iphone ... its
sprites without clearing ...

5.Best Practice for Restarting Game | Obj-C based 2D engine for ...

Description:When you restart the same level you should only need to clear
... 2. size of the png file ... What is the difference between
CCTextureCache and CCSpriteFrameCache? ...

6.Roadmap | Cocos2d-x

Description:... Crash loading CCBI file with ... The macro
CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG doesn't clear gl errors in ... Question of using
Class: CCSpriteFrameCache to load ...

7.Activity | | Cocos2d-x

Description:... (Special elements)!!.but now... Men X 02:28 C++: ...
CCTextureCache::sharedT... ... 09:34 Extensions: RE: CCLayerLoader bug
Hello, I look inside the ccbi file in ...

8.Activity | | Cocos2d-x

Description:CCSpriteFrameCache:: ... To fix it change the following in
file CCTextureCache.cpp: ... You can iterate through all elements of
CCMutableDictionary and CCMu ...

9.Does anybody successfully port CocosDragon to cocos2d-x ...

Description:I hope the explanation is more clear now ... Incompatible ccbi
file version (file: %d ... 662 { 663 CCTexture2D *texture =
CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache ...

10.Rengelbert: The LineDrawing Class - Done With Computers: Blog

Description:You will rename the M file, ... [CCSpriteFrameCache ... But
this only works if you can fit all the graphics for all the game elements
inside the same PNG file.

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